December 11, 2010

The 1st Christmas Beer Review of 2010 - Brief Version


I have finally acquired a bottle of Shiner's Holiday Cheer.  In the style of a Rate Beer reviewer (which I am one), here is my brief review:

Beer pours a nice dark copper color with a lingering light tan head.  Aroma is very noticeable with peaches and a little bit of malt.  Taste is very, very smooth.  This beer is outstanding, I will be buying a six pack of this once I get back to the beer store!
Overall rating:  4 candy canes out of a possible 5.

Bigger, better review tonight after I get done with whatever I gotta do.  I have pictures to share as well, plus I am thinking of putting up a poll and give people the chance to select the next beer I will rate.  All this, free of charge. 

Thanks for reading, now click some banner ads and get me a few nickels for future beer reviews!

Thank you and have a good Saturday!

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